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Use Case: Augmented Reality in Magdeburg and Halle Zoos

The New Frontier of Zoo Visits

Zoos have always been places where people come to learn about animals and their natural habitats. Yet, the collaboration between AR-Locations and zoos in Magdeburg and Halle has taken this educational experience to a whole new level. By integrating cutting-edge Augmented Reality (AR) technology, these zoos have successfully elevated the traditional visit into an interactive, educational, and highly shareable experience.


At Magdeburg Zoo, visitors can use their smartphones to scan QR codes conveniently placed around the exhibits. These codes activate animated AR scenes that vividly illustrate the environmental challenges facing animals like penguins and lemurs. As visitors engage with these immersive experiences, they also have the option to participate in interactive quizzes and share what they’ve learned on social media. The impact has been significant, fostering heightened awareness about animal conservation issues and providing an enriched, multi-faceted visitor experience.

The Halle Highlight

Meanwhile, Halle Zoo offers a slightly different but equally captivating AR experience. Here, the focus is on life-size AR animal models. By scanning QR codes near exhibits, visitors can activate these models to get an up-close and personal look at the unique features and sizes of various animals. The feature has proven to be highly engaging, encouraging detailed observations and amplifying social media sharing, thereby enhancing the overall visitor experience.

A Win-Win for All

Both Magdeburg and Halle zoos benefit from several common advantages thanks to their collaboration with AR-Locations:

  • Enhanced Education: Visitors leave the zoo with a deeper understanding of animals and their challenges, converting a day out into an educational expedition.
  • Shareable Moments: The unique and interactive AR features are tailor-made for social media sharing, turning every visitor into an advocate for animal conservation.
  • Visitor Retention: The interactive and engaging nature of the AR experiences encourages repeat visits.
  • Ethical Engagement: Importantly, the AR features serve as an educational tool that enriches the visitor experience without disturbing the animals.

The Takeaway

AR technology is not just a gimmick; it’s an impactful educational tool. It can be customized to align with the unique educational goals of each zoo and integrated seamlessly into existing infrastructures. With AR-Locations, zoos in Magdeburg and Halle have set a new standard in interactive and educational experiences, redefining what a zoo visit can offer in the 21st century.

Ready for a Revolutionary Zoo Experience?

For more information on how AR can redefine the visitor experience at your zoo, reach out to AR-Locations. Your next step in revolutionizing zoo experiences awaits. Are you ready to take it?

Our Packages


5 Locations
  • Still uncertain? Try our AR exhibition on a small scale first.


20 Locations
  • Our most used exhibition size for medium to large locations.


50 Locations
  • Full power with maximum success for large events or locations


  • Write us your special wishes and we will definitely find the right offer for you!