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The Power of Augmented Reality in Heritage Preservation: A Case Study of Peine Castle

Embark on an interactive journey through time with AR-Locations, the platform that brings history to life in a stunningly immersive way, right at your fingertips. Our groundbreaking implementation of Augmented Reality (AR) technology has revolutionized the way people discover and engage with historical landmarks. Our extraordinary project with Peine is a testament to this innovative approach, where we used AR to transform the ruins of the castle into a dynamic portal to the past, giving visitors an authentic glimpse of its bygone grandeur.

Once a breathtaking architectural masterpiece, Burg Peine had been reduced over the centuries to a mere ghost of its former glory. Over time, it lost much of its imposing structure, leaving behind a building that could only hint at its historic grandeur. The challenge was to revive its rich history without making any physical changes to the remaining structure. The local authorities wanted visitors to experience the original grandeur of the castle, but how could this be achieved without actual restoration?


Peine Heritage with Augmented Reality

At AR-Locations, we used the innovative power of Augmented Reality to rejuvenate the historical essence of Burg Peine. After extensive research into archival documents, historical blueprints, and academic resources, we digitally reconstructed the castle’s original facade. Every architectural nuance was meticulously recreated, bringing to life the grandeur of Burg Peine in its heyday.

The result of this pioneering project is a magical journey back in time. Today, every visitor to Burg Peine, equipped only with a smartphone or tablet, can experience the castle as it was in its heyday. This AR-enabled experience not only enriches their visit, but also revives the castle’s vibrant heritage, allowing us to preserve and exhibit its illustrious past in a unique and engaging way.

This project exemplifies our commitment to blending the past with the present, combining history with the potential of modern technology. Our fruitful collaboration with the city of Peine underscores our credibility and expertise in transforming historical sites through AR.

We look forward to offering similar projects for other historical landmarks. Whether it’s an archaic monument, a forgotten city, or a cultural landmark, our AR solutions can bring history to life in an immersive, engaging, and educational way.

At AR-Locations, we are not just preserving history; we are vivifying it. Journey with us as we flip through the chapters of history with a technological touch, crafting unforgettable experiences that transcend the boundaries of reality. Contact us for more information.

Our Packages


5 Locations
  • Still uncertain? Try our AR exhibition on a small scale first.


20 Locations
  • Our most used exhibition size for medium to large locations.


50 Locations
  • Full power with maximum success for large events or locations


  • Write us your special wishes and we will definitely find the right offer for you!